Routes of Infection / Routes to Safety

‘You’re never alone on the bus’

The Routes to Safety team are pleased to share a series of short films that they’ve been working on, in collaboration with film maker Joseph Turp and in dialogue with project partners including bus operators, community groups and user organisations. The films have developed out of ethnography and interviews undertaken earlier in 2021, and seek to illustrate some of the things that people said make them feel more or less safe on the bus. The films will soon be made available to bus operators, community groups and others, for wider dissemination to engage customers and other publics interested in making spaces like public transport safer and more accessible. This has relevance not only in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, but in reducing the spread of seasonal colds, flus and other infections.

‘You’re never alone on the bus’ – film 1 – ‘Fresh air shows we care’
‘You’re never alone on the bus’ – film 2 – ‘Use your head to stop the spread’
‘You’re never alone on the bus’ – Film 3 – ‘ Leave some space, just in case’
You’re never alone on the bus’ – Film 4 – ‘Keep your micro-passengers to your self’

Microbial Neighbouring Workshops

The team were very pleased to run a number of engagement workshops recently, developed around the idea of Microbial Neighbouring. Developed with the support of the University of Southampton’s Public Engagement with Research Unit and the National Biofilms Innovation Centre, the workshops created a novel space for students and staff …

Interim Stakeholder Report released

We are pleased to announce the publication of an interim report for stakeholders involved in the provision and management of public transport services or other spaces where there is a risk of community transmission of COVID-19 and other infections such as seasonal colds, flu, and noroviruses. It provides analysis of …

Workshop 9th Dec – Communicating through COVID-19

PUBLIC HEALTH, PUBLIC TRANSPORT AND INFECTION PREVENTION  Online workshop:1.30-3pm Thursday 9th December 2021 Public transport services provide accessible, affordable travel for a wide range of users and are a key part of the lives and lifestyles of many. But since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, government advice around public transport use has negatively impacted passenger numbers and contributed …

Something in the Air: the Shared Space of Breath in a Pandemic

By Emma Roe*, Paul Hurley*, Charlotte Veal** and Sandra Wilks***. *Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton. ** School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University. ***Health Sciences, University of Southampton. Air is often noticeable only in its absence; in the lungs of patients on ventilators in ICUs or in …

Introducing How Mask-wearing Creates Confidence When Taking the Bus

By Emma Roe*, Paul Hurley*, Charlotte Veal** and Sandra Wilks***. *Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton. ** School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University. ***Health Sciences, University of Southampton. The announcement[1] by Boris Johnson that Monday 19th July would mark the move to Step 4 of the Roadmap – …